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2021 Savanna Fire Forum Video Competition
Wunambal Gaambera from the Uunguu Rangers, was the winning submission from the 2021 Savanna Fire Forum Video Competition
For the first time, a short video competition was held as part of the 2021 North Australia Savanna Fire Forum program.
In January 2021, a call for submissions was made, and four video entries were submitted. The video entries were reviewed by a panel of three guest judges - Comedian, Sean Choolburra (from the ABC series, Black Comedy), Dr Kamaljit Sangha, from the Darwin Centre for Bushfire Research, and Jane Bardon, a journalist from ABC Darwin.
The winners of the 2021 Savanna Fire Forum video competition were announced on the second day of the 2021 North Australia Savanna Fire Forum in a session that was facilitated by guest judge, Jane Bardon.
The winners of the 2021 video competition were:
1st Place (as announced by Jane Bardon) - Uunguu Rangers, WA (Video can be viewed above)
2nd Place (as announced by Dr Kamaljit Sangha) - Thamarrurr Rangers, NT
3rd Place (as announced by Sean Choolburra) - Djurrubu Rangers, NT
A fourth, short video of a cultural burn taking place in Cape York, provided by the Batavia Traditional Owners Rangers, was also showcased at the 2021 North Australia Savanna Fire Forum.
The winners received prizes including a $100 Magabala Books gift voucher, an Injalak Arts voucher, and exclusive T-shirts made by Rohan Fisher.
Thank you to our guest judges, Sean, Jane and Kamaljit, for providing their time to review all the submissions that were received, thank you to those of you who provided submissions to this year's competition, and a big congratulations to all of our winners!
We look forward to seeing all the submissions as part of next year's Savanna Fire Forum video competition.
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