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Bushfires NT


Maggie Towers - Senior Risk Planner at Bushfires NT, will be presenting as a panellist during Session 1.5 - Fire in the Top End: NT Panel.

Bushfires NT exists to help protect life, property and the environment from bushfire. It's the lead government agency for rural bushfire management in the Northern Territory.

Under its jurisdiction, there are five fire management zones in the NT:

  • Vernon Arafura

  • Arnhem

  • Savanna

  • Barkly and Alice Springs.


Bushfires NT works with landowners and the wider community to manage bushfire in the Northern Territory by:

  • providing support for mitigation, management and suppression activities and

  • coordinating landowner and volunteer participation in response to significant fires.

Bushfires NT also supports over 500 active volunteers in 20 Volunteer Bushfire Brigades across the Northern Territory by providing training, vehicles and operational funding.

Bushfires NT’s role is to:

  • support land managers to maintain and implement fire management strategies

  • administer the Bushfires Management Act 2016

  • strengthen community capacity and resilience in fire management

  • participate in bushfire management as necessary

  • support bushfire management research development and innovation

  • engage the broader community in fire management.

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