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Cape York Natural Resource Management (NRM)


Alex Debono - Fire Coordinator at Cape York NRM, will be presenting as a panellist during Session 1.6 - Fire in Cape York: QLD Panel.

Cape York Natural Resource Management (NRM) Ltd is a not-for-profit organisation and registered charity, with a mission to help people work to care for the natural environment while promoting the sustainable use of natural resources in Cape York Peninsula.

Cape York NRM is staffed by a dedicated team who work with individuals, groups and communities across Cape York to care for Country, through activities that promote and support the organisation's mission.

The priorities that guide the work of the group have grown through extensive community engagement.  The organisation is involved with partnerships across Cape York, and through these relationships, implement activities based on principles of sustainable development, capacity building, project support and development, and regional coordination and planning.

Currently our staff work with land and sea managers, Traditional Owners, growers, graziers and Ranger groups on a wide variety of programs that enhance Cape York's wetlands and soils, and offer protection to the waters of the Gulf of Carpentaria and the northern Great Barrier Reef.


Cape York NRM also works to protect threatened plant and animal species, improve fire management on the Cape and build Traditional Owner land management and coordination capacity.

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