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Indigenous Carbon Industry Network


Anna Boustead - Coordinator at the Indigenous Carbon Industry Network, will be presenting as a panellist during Session 2.2 - The Carbon Industry Update.


The Indigenous Carbon Industry Network (ICIN) is a network of Indigenous-owned organisations that operate across north Australia to develop and deliver carbon projects, mainly through savanna fire management. 


Members of the network include Indigenous-owned carbon businesses, Indigenous land management organisations and Indigenous support agencies. Associate members include scientific bodies, government departments, carbon businesses, corporate entities and environmental not-for-profit organisations.


Our members are currently producing around 1 million carbon credits each year through 29 Indigenous-owned savanna carbon farming projects and have established an industry employing hundreds of people in remote Australia.


The Indigenous carbon industry is generating around $20 million worth of Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCUs) annually across northern Australia through the Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF), compliance and voluntary markets.


The network is united by our Vision and Core Values.

Our Vision is to promote and facilitate an active, innovative and Indigenous-led carbon industry supporting healthy country and better livelihoods for Indigenous people.


We are:

  • Accessible and Member-driven: We work together to support each other and strive to enable decision-making that reflects the aspirations of members. 

  • Indigenous-led and Empowering: We support more Indigenous voices to be heard and seek to maximise benefits brought by the carbon industry to Indigenous communities. 

  • Respectful: We acknowledge that we all come from different places, yet we seek common ground where we find it. We respect local cultural protocols and are mindful that our industry is grounded in thousands of years of traditional knowledge and practice. 

  • Transparent and Accountable; We are a trusted independent voice for the Indigenous carbon industry.

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